
When general-purpose bots fail, run !kifo

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List of text Commands (used with prefix):

Remember to add server prefix before command syntax.


This command lists all categories of commands and shows help for every command.

  • Usage:
    • help - lists all available commands
    • help <category> - lists all commands for a specific category
    • help <command> - shows help for specific command
    • <command> help - shows help for specific command
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES



Test how your arguments are passed.

  • Usage:
    • test <args> - showcase of how the arguments are passed.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES



This command cleans any permission overwrites that don’t have DENY (<:RedX:857976926542757910>) or ALLOW (<:GreenCheck:857976926941478923>).

  • Usage:
    • clean - cleans permission overwrites in the current channel.
    • clean <channel> - cleans permission overwrites in channel.
    • clean <category> - clean permission overwrites for category and all channels in category
    • clean all - clean permission overwrites for all channels in the server.


Lists all users in the server, or users having a certain role. To list more than 1000 users you need MANAGE_GUILD perms. If the bot doesn’t see some channels, lists may will be incorrect.

  • Usage:
    • list - lists all users on the server
    • list <user> - lists roles of specified user.
    • list <role> <optional_role2> <optional_role_n> - lists users that have all specified roles.
    • list <channel/"here"> <role> <optional_role2> <optional_role_n> - lists users with specified roles in specified channel.
    • list <message_id> - pastes raw message content (with formatting, works with embeds and all types of messages). NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_GUILD

This powerful command allows you to create a role menu or channel perms menu with an optional timeout

  • Usage:
    • menu - DMs you with channel aliases and syntax of the command.
    • menu list - lists active menus in the server (requires MANAGE_GUILD)
    • menu perm <perm_alias> <channel> - creates a menu, that when user reacts, they get perm_alias in channel.
    • menu perm <perm_alias> <channel> <time_period> - creates a menu, that when user reacts, they get perm_alias in channel. Everyone’s perms will be reverted time_period after menu is created.
    • menu role <role> - creates a menu, that when user reacts, they get role.
    • menu role <role> <time_period> - creates a menu, that when user reacts, they get role. Everyone’s role will be reverted time_period after menu is created.
    • menu revert <message_url> - removes role / channel perm from everyone who reacted to menu.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS


This powerful command manages permissions for channels and categories.

  • ADD - allows a perm (green check),
  • DENY - denies a perm (red x),
  • RM - removes a perm (grey /).
  • Usage:
    • perms - checks if you have permissions to manage the channel, lists aliases and Ids of permissions for easier cmd usage.
    • perms "here"/"list" - list perms of all roles and members for this channel in a .txt file
    • perms <user_or_role_id> - lists perms for specific user/role
    • perms <channel_or_category_id> - lists perms of all roles and members in a .txt file
    • perms <add/rm/deny> <perm> <role_or_user_id_1> ... <role_or_user_id_n> - adds/removes/denies perms for provided users and roles in this channel. can be either full name, id (number), or alias of a perm.
    • perms <add/rm/deny> <perm> <role_or_user_id_1> ... <role_or_user_id_n> <time_period> - adds/removes/denies perms for provided users and roles in this channel, then reverts the changes after . can be either full name, id (number), or alias of a perm.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS


This command allows you to (temporarily) remove the user role.

  • Usage:
    • remove - Informs you of syntax.
    • remove <user> <role> - permanently removes role from user.
    • remove <user> <role> <time_period> - removes role from user, and re-adds it after given time period.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_ROLES


Displays stats for given user, bot, role, server, message, channel (in development). If the bot doesn’t see some channels, stats may will be incorrect.

  • Usage:
    • stats - shows stats of the server
    • stats <user> - shows stats of specified user.
    • stats <role> - shows stats of specified role.
    • stats <message_id> - shows stats of specified message. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.
    • stats me - shows your stats.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES


This command lists x messages with the most reactions from another channel.

  • Usage:
    • top <x> <time_period> <other_channel> <reaction> - lists top x messages with most reactions from other channel. Sends x embeds (don’t set it too large).
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS



This command allows you to set up a timeout, after which random winners who reacted will be selected.

  • Usage:
    • giveaway - Informs you of syntax.
    • giveaway <x> <time_period> - sets up a message with default reaction as <a:done:828097348545544202> that’ll choose x random users after time_period.
    • giveaway <x> <time_period> <reaction> - sets up a message with reaction, that’ll choose x random users after time_period.


(DEPRECATED) This command allows you to detect message language.

  • Usage:
    • lang <message_id_or_url> - sends a DM with description (react with any emote to the message to delete it).
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES


This command informs you in detail how you can change the server prefix.

  • Usage:
    • prefix - sends a DM with details on the prefix change process.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES


This command tells the bot to react to all messages in the channel with specific reactions.

  • Usage:
    • react on <emote1> <optional_emote2> ... <optional_emoten> - turns on react command in this channel.
    • react off - turns off react command in this channel
    • react - checks if there is react module online.
    • react list - lists channels in which the command is active.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS


Enable Super slow-mode (longer than 6 hours) for channels where you need it.

  • Usage:
    • superslow <time> - turns on superslow command in this channel (setting time to 0s will turn off superslow module).
    • superslow checks if there is a superslow module online.
    • superslow list lists channels in which the command is active.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS


This command allows you to create simple to-do notes.

  • Usage:
    • todo <description> - sends a DM with description (react with any emote to the message to delete it).
    • todo <message_url> <optional_description> - sends a DM with message content, link to the message and optional description.
  • Required user permissions: SEND_MESSAGES

List of slash commands (used with /):



Creates an issue on GitHub and pings KifoPL. Do not spam this command.

  • Options:
    • description - Provide a brief description of how and when this error occurred.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS



  • Options:
    • reply (optional) - What do you want me to reply with?
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


test out if the / commands work properly.

  • Options:
    • input (optional) - The text to return.
    • input2 (optional) - The text to return.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS



Express your feelings to another discord user with this beautiful poem.

  • Options:
    • user (optional) - direct your feelings towards the user.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


A quick test to find out your gayness level.

  • Options:
    • user (optional) - A subject of measurement.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


A very quick and accurate IQ test.

  • Options:
    • user (optional) - A subject of measurement.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Measure your PP length with this totally reliable pp length calculator.

  • Options:
    • user (optional) - A subject of measurement.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


This command reverses anything you type.

  • Options:
    • text - The text to reverse
    • silent (optional) - Whether to show the result to only you, or everyone. False by default.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


This is an eloquent way to say “Thank you for this conversation we’ve had”.

  • Options:
    • user (optional) - Ask someone to lower their voice to the sub-audible level in an elegant manner.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Random yo momma joke.

  • Options:
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS



Receive a link for the command list, or guide regarding a specific topic.

  • Options:
    • choice (optional) - Select a topic, which you want to learn about.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS



Set up an auto threading system in a channel.

  • Options:
    • on - Turn on auto-threading system.
      • title - Choose the title for every thread (use /autothreading help for more info)
      • archiving - After what time of inactivity should threads be archived?
      • bots - True if you want threads to be created on bot messages as well, false otherwise.
      • slowmode (optional) - What should be the default slow-mode for threads?
    • off - Turn off auto-threading system.
    • list - List all channels with auto-threading system enabled.
    • help - Send a link with very detailed information regarding auto-threading system.


Manage threads in this channel.

  • Options:
    • archive - Bulk archive oldest threads in this channel.
      • count - How many oldest threads would you like to archive?
      • silent (optional) - Do you want the output to be visible only by you? Defaults to false.
    • delete - Bulk delete specified threads in this channel.
      • count - How many oldest threads would you like to archive?
      • which - Should I delete archived, or active threads?
      • silent (optional) - Do you want the output to be visible only by you? Defaults to false.


Set up ticketing system in a channel.

  • Options:
    • on - Turn on ticketing system.
      • visibility - Should tickets be public, allowing everyone to answer questions, or private?
      • archiving - After what time of inactivity should threads be archived?
      • slowmode (optional) - What should be the default slow-mode for tickets?
    • off - Turn off ticketing system.
    • list - List all channels with ticketing system enabled.
    • help - Send a link with very detailed information regarding ticketing system.



(DEPRECATED) Sends a copy of the message in DM (with attachments).

  • Options:
    • message - ID or URL of the message.
    • pin (optional) - Whether the message should be pinned. False by default.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Count down to a given time, then send a message.

  • Options:
    • epoch - The amount of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (use /epoch date_to_epoch to get the number)
    • message - The message to send when the countdown ends.


Easily convert dates to epoch and vice versa.

  • Options:
    • date_to_epoch - Convert from date to epoch number (in seconds).
      • input - Type either date like “1970-01-01T00:00:00Z”, or time period “1h”
    • epoch_to_date - Convert from epoch number (in seconds) to date.
      • epoch - The number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00
    • help - Receive link to guide that helps you use this command.
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Create a poll.

  • Options:
    • question - Ask the question or an opinion
    • timeout - When do you want to calculate results? “0”, if never.
    • one - Option 1
    • two - Option 2
    • three (optional) - Option 3
    • four (optional) - Option 4
    • five (optional) - Option 5
    • six (optional) - Option 6
    • seven (optional) - Option 7
    • eight (optional) - Option 8
    • nine (optional) - Option 9
    • ten (optional) - Option 10
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Create a ticket

  • Options:
    • title - The problem, or question you have.
    • description (optional) - Provide any additional information about your question/problem
  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS

List of context menus (used with Right-Click):

MESSAGE (right-click on message to use)

detect language

This command allows you to detect message language.

  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS


Sends a copy of the message in DM (with attachments).

  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS

USER (right-click on user to use)

user stats

Lists user stats.

  • Required user permissions: USE_APPLICATION_COMMANDS

  • Some commands may require additional perms for the bot.
  • Last update: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 20:10:51 GMT ~by KifoPL

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